Thursday, April 27, 2017

The final step

Hello everyone, I am here again to share new things with you. Now it is time to show you how this Super Learning Mission will be assessed.

Before starting explaining how I created the rubric I want to reflect on what assessment is for me. In all my educational years, at the end of each term I received a grading sheet with all my marks. At primary level, my grading sheet was divided into four sections: Highlights, proper progress, regular and wrong. From my point of view, I think that this kind of grading is the best for kids because in my time it was like How many highlights do you have? And properly progress? And kids did not care much because we had not got any number. Nowadays, at primary education the students have numbers and the awful part of this are the parents because they compare the kids and this is the reason that we are currently creating an inequality at schools. Kids do not need numerical marks in primary education because they have to learn while they play, sing, draw, act and do some ordinary activities. With the numerical grades, we are creating kids for the society based on be better than the others.I think this is the dreadful value for so young kids that they have to be playing instead of being overwhelmed by their parents.


On the other hand, We can find the University and more specifically the Teaching degree. Through all my years studying, I learnt one of the most important values of my life. But let's start from the beginning, at university most of the professors that I had, taught me that the exams are an obsolete way for evaluate students and what is more as future teachers we have to start thinking new ways of assessment. However, those professors that taught me that important value did an exam at the end of the course to evaluate us. So, why you taught me something that you do not believe but you did in order to give me a numerical mark? Thanks to these teachers I learnt my most important value, which is not attach importance to the grades because with my average of 7.49 in my degree, I'm proud to say it, I can be a better teacher from those who has 9.99 in their average degree. Having more mark doesn't mean that you are better but we have to change our society based on numbers because maybe there are people out there with great skills to be a doctor but it can not do the degree because some others have better marks.

After saying this, I have created a rubric to evaluate the students their final outcome of the Open Educational Digital Project. In the rubric, I put all the important goals that I consider essential in order to understand the content of the mission. However, I just add five things to evaluate because I think that we have to focus in just a few things, we are not machines that can evaluate everything. I have created the rubric using the online tool Quick Rubric. I think that it is a great resource for teacher in order to create simple and clear rubrics for our future job.

           Rubric from Alvaro Anton Perez

As you can observe, It is a very clear rubric that can help us to evaluate our students. Nevertheless, as we have to do a rubric per student we will write at the back of the rubric observations about the students. As teachers we have to bear in mind that one of the best ways to evaluate our students is through direct observation. In other words, evaluating is not an easy task for a teacher.

Let me conclude this post saying that thanks to this ICT course I have learnt a lot of things regarding ICT. On the other hand, I realized that doing all the teaching-learning process through separate mission, but at the same time are all connected. I think that this methodology it is a great one to implement to our future students in order to become different teachers. Finally, doing the rubric wasn't a easy path because I had thought a lot about which are the most important aspects of my Super Learning Mission and then I realized that the most difficult task that a teacher has is to evaluate their students in a good way. So, when I will start teaching in a school I will try to do my best in order to getting away from textbooks and become a great teacher with all the knowledge that I have learnt during these fives years of training.

The past can hurt. 
But the way I see it, 
you can either run from it or LEARN from it. 
The Lion King

-Stand up from the constraining books
and say:


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