Friday, May 5, 2017


Hello everyone I am here again to achieve with a lot of pity my last step in this Super Learning Missions of my ICT course but as one of my scouts songs says "this is not a goodbye but a see you soon".

In this entry, I am going to talk about the MM10: Educational Digital Projects for CLIL a conference in which I participated. This conference it is the final step of the ICT course of my masters degree in which we are reflecting all our teaching-learning process during these three months of hard work. In these months I have learnt a lot of new things related with the ICT and what is more how to become different teachers. In the conference I reflected all my training process of the course and also I talked about the teacher that one day I want to be because thanks to this subject I had a major view of the education thanks to all the worldwide projects that are available for teachers nowadays. In this projects we can collaborate with others to create a better education and moreover this projects will be availble on the net for other teacher to use them in their clases

In my case, I collaborated with the Twimma Project and I created a part of an iBook that will be inside the worldwide iBook of the Twimma Project. I am very proud of my work because I believe that I helped to improve my educational system and what is more in a short future I'll hope to collaborate with them with my students to share to the world and in concrete with the spanish teachers that other ways of education are possibles. My iBook it is about the animals kingdom specifically about the Doñana National Park and its endangered species that the park has. As a teacher I move forward and I thought that it would be great if I had some of the pages recorded by kids. In order to do that I asked my Scout kids to record the audio for my book and without rehearsal and by themselves kids from 6-8 years old have recorded the audio in such a perfect way that I couldn't imagine. As a teacher, this is one of my first achivements by my own because all the work done I did without depending on other teacher as in my internship periods when I had the help of th current teacher.

Here I leave you the link to download my ebook because I believe that all the educational tools must to be for free and we do not have to try to make profit from the education. It is a right not a thing to earn money. Doñana National Park ebook.

Now I leave here my Conference intervention script that I created with the online tool Google Docs where I reflect my deepest thoughts as a teacher and my teaching-learning process of the ICT course. Moreover, I leave you the video of the conference to review it as many time you want.

Let me conclude this post saying that being part of the conference made me realize that there are a lot of teachers around the world with the same principles as mine , to change the education once for all. Moreover, the conference has taught me how a simple device as a computer can create a different educational environment because without leaving my house I attended to one of my more important lessons in my life that give me the necessary courage to fulfill my dream once I'll become a real teacher.

                   May the force be with us 

-Stand up from the constraining books
and say:


1 comment:

  1. Hello Álvaro!
    Good post! Thanks for sharing your fantastic ebook, I really like it! The topic is pretty good since I think you tried to raise awareness of taking care of animals! Great that your are feeling so proud of yourself! I could not agree more with you, getting rid of textbook is the best idea if we want to change the education system.
    Keep working like that because I enjoy your ideas ;)
    See you.
