Thursday, April 6, 2017

Working together

Welcome back on board!!!

Hello everyone, I am here again to share new things with you. In this post I am keep working on my Open Educational Digital Project but this time I am searching a partner that will help me to enrich my project once for all.

In this case, I would like to join a worldwide collaborative project, but What is a worldwide collaborative project? Well, nowadays there are hundreds of collaboratives projects running on the net. The main purpose of this projects it is to find educators that want to change the education in order to create a better one more fair and supportive. With the collaborative projects we are connecting schools all over the world and sharing our improvements to make visible that other types of things can be done in the schools.

On the other hand, being part of a collaborative project it is not easy because as teachers we have to work harder just to fulfill the main goal of the project. Nonetheless, all the work that we have to do have its benefits in our students.

Having said that, now it is time to think about which collaborative project I want to join. After searching and browsing a lot on the net and discover some other collaborative projects, that I think that will help me some day in my future as a teacher. I finally decided to join The Twima Project, this project I think that fits perfectly with my Open Educational Digital Project because it is related with books. The final aim of this project it is to create a E-book by kids with the purpose of sharing that book with the world. The books that the kids will create it will contain all the things that kids have been learning and it will be the reflection of all the work that the teacher has done. With the final book, the world will be able to see how with just a simple tool, Ibook Creator, we can change the world and what's more we are creating a free resource made by kids that will help other kids to learn that content.

From my humble point of view, I think that this project is awesome because with the creation of an E-book kids will reflect all their learning-process and we will share it with the world in order to receive feedback, good or bad, we can learn from both. Another fact, that I like of this project it is the free online tool that they use, as a fan of Apple brand I believe that there are a lot of resources available for teachers in the app Store and also Apple  invest a lot in education of the new generations and everyday is doing something for teacher to create a better educational system ever.

Now, it is time to show you my elevator pitch. With this video I pretend to engage the people who run the collaborative project that I want to join in order to offers them my work to improve the education in the world.


As you can see in this elevator pitch my main aim is to join the collaborative project that it is The Twima Project. In order to create this elevator pitch I did a big summarizing process and also I thought in the best way to engage people. I think that elevator pitches are good resources that in the coming years will be a require to attach in your resume because in just twenty second you can observe how the person is and what is more you can see if it has what it takes to do the job.

Here I leave you my draft of the elevator pitch, so you can see the changes that i did when i recorded because I eliminated some phrases in order to fit the twenty seconds and to do it more engaging. 
Elevator Pitch by Alvaro Anton Perez on Scribd

Before saying goodbye, I would like to show one idea of what I have in mind of my final task of my Open Educational Digital Project. Here I leave you a draft of what I would expect from my students at the end of my project. In this E-book page you can observe the expected outcome of my project and besides this we can improve the E-book page adding it audio or gifs in order to improve the visual final artifact.

Photo created by :Álvaro Antón Pérez

Let me conclude by saying, that I am very excited to take part into a collaborative project and what is more to be in a project that works with Apple devices. From my point of view I think that if the Apple devices were a little bit more cheaper the education would change . I think that the Apple devices are perfect for kids because are very easy to handle and what is more to create beautiful things just with a few taps on the screen. Finally, this mission has taught me the importance of being in touch with the hundreds collaborative projects that exist nowadays because as teacher, and from my point of view, we are not allowed to stop learning.

-Stand up from the constraining books 
 and say:



  1. Such a nice entry, Álvaro!

    I have enjoyed your video, it is very nice! Moreover, your post is very complete with all the information that the reader needs for understanding your project.

    Keep going!

  2. As always Álvaro, you did a great job! I really love your posts, as they are entertaining and full of innovative ideas! I hope your project will start growing and improving in collaboration with the twima project. And great elevator pitch! I'll keep reading your posts! Good work^^
