Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017


Hello everyone I am here again to achieve with a lot of pity my last step in this Super Learning Missions of my ICT course but as one of my scouts songs says "this is not a goodbye but a see you soon".

In this entry, I am going to talk about the MM10: Educational Digital Projects for CLIL a conference in which I participated. This conference it is the final step of the ICT course of my masters degree in which we are reflecting all our teaching-learning process during these three months of hard work. In these months I have learnt a lot of new things related with the ICT and what is more how to become different teachers. In the conference I reflected all my training process of the course and also I talked about the teacher that one day I want to be because thanks to this subject I had a major view of the education thanks to all the worldwide projects that are available for teachers nowadays. In this projects we can collaborate with others to create a better education and moreover this projects will be availble on the net for other teacher to use them in their clases

In my case, I collaborated with the Twimma Project and I created a part of an iBook that will be inside the worldwide iBook of the Twimma Project. I am very proud of my work because I believe that I helped to improve my educational system and what is more in a short future I'll hope to collaborate with them with my students to share to the world and in concrete with the spanish teachers that other ways of education are possibles. My iBook it is about the animals kingdom specifically about the Doñana National Park and its endangered species that the park has. As a teacher I move forward and I thought that it would be great if I had some of the pages recorded by kids. In order to do that I asked my Scout kids to record the audio for my book and without rehearsal and by themselves kids from 6-8 years old have recorded the audio in such a perfect way that I couldn't imagine. As a teacher, this is one of my first achivements by my own because all the work done I did without depending on other teacher as in my internship periods when I had the help of th current teacher.

Here I leave you the link to download my ebook because I believe that all the educational tools must to be for free and we do not have to try to make profit from the education. It is a right not a thing to earn money. Doñana National Park ebook.

Now I leave here my Conference intervention script that I created with the online tool Google Docs where I reflect my deepest thoughts as a teacher and my teaching-learning process of the ICT course. Moreover, I leave you the video of the conference to review it as many time you want.

Let me conclude this post saying that being part of the conference made me realize that there are a lot of teachers around the world with the same principles as mine , to change the education once for all. Moreover, the conference has taught me how a simple device as a computer can create a different educational environment because without leaving my house I attended to one of my more important lessons in my life that give me the necessary courage to fulfill my dream once I'll become a real teacher.

                   May the force be with us 

-Stand up from the constraining books
and say:


Thursday, April 27, 2017

The final step

Hello everyone, I am here again to share new things with you. Now it is time to show you how this Super Learning Mission will be assessed.

Before starting explaining how I created the rubric I want to reflect on what assessment is for me. In all my educational years, at the end of each term I received a grading sheet with all my marks. At primary level, my grading sheet was divided into four sections: Highlights, proper progress, regular and wrong. From my point of view, I think that this kind of grading is the best for kids because in my time it was like How many highlights do you have? And properly progress? And kids did not care much because we had not got any number. Nowadays, at primary education the students have numbers and the awful part of this are the parents because they compare the kids and this is the reason that we are currently creating an inequality at schools. Kids do not need numerical marks in primary education because they have to learn while they play, sing, draw, act and do some ordinary activities. With the numerical grades, we are creating kids for the society based on be better than the others.I think this is the dreadful value for so young kids that they have to be playing instead of being overwhelmed by their parents.


On the other hand, We can find the University and more specifically the Teaching degree. Through all my years studying, I learnt one of the most important values of my life. But let's start from the beginning, at university most of the professors that I had, taught me that the exams are an obsolete way for evaluate students and what is more as future teachers we have to start thinking new ways of assessment. However, those professors that taught me that important value did an exam at the end of the course to evaluate us. So, why you taught me something that you do not believe but you did in order to give me a numerical mark? Thanks to these teachers I learnt my most important value, which is not attach importance to the grades because with my average of 7.49 in my degree, I'm proud to say it, I can be a better teacher from those who has 9.99 in their average degree. Having more mark doesn't mean that you are better but we have to change our society based on numbers because maybe there are people out there with great skills to be a doctor but it can not do the degree because some others have better marks.

After saying this, I have created a rubric to evaluate the students their final outcome of the Open Educational Digital Project. In the rubric, I put all the important goals that I consider essential in order to understand the content of the mission. However, I just add five things to evaluate because I think that we have to focus in just a few things, we are not machines that can evaluate everything. I have created the rubric using the online tool Quick Rubric. I think that it is a great resource for teacher in order to create simple and clear rubrics for our future job.

           Rubric from Alvaro Anton Perez

As you can observe, It is a very clear rubric that can help us to evaluate our students. Nevertheless, as we have to do a rubric per student we will write at the back of the rubric observations about the students. As teachers we have to bear in mind that one of the best ways to evaluate our students is through direct observation. In other words, evaluating is not an easy task for a teacher.

Let me conclude this post saying that thanks to this ICT course I have learnt a lot of things regarding ICT. On the other hand, I realized that doing all the teaching-learning process through separate mission, but at the same time are all connected. I think that this methodology it is a great one to implement to our future students in order to become different teachers. Finally, doing the rubric wasn't a easy path because I had thought a lot about which are the most important aspects of my Super Learning Mission and then I realized that the most difficult task that a teacher has is to evaluate their students in a good way. So, when I will start teaching in a school I will try to do my best in order to getting away from textbooks and become a great teacher with all the knowledge that I have learnt during these fives years of training.

The past can hurt. 
But the way I see it, 
you can either run from it or LEARN from it. 
The Lion King

-Stand up from the constraining books
and say:


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

To infinity and beyond!

Hello everyone, I am here again to share new things with you. Now it is time to show you how I created some flat activities that kids can do in the schools but there are not common activities there are Super Learning Missions. As you could read in my previous post, I created one Super Learning Mission. Now, it is time to show you another mission that I have created.

This second Super Learning Mission that I have created is an activity inside my Open E-digital Project: Horton Hears a Who!. In this mission kids will prove that they know how to connect concepts to another area of learning. Kids will have to create a poster of themselves adding in the poster all the concepts that they have learnt. The main aim of this Super Learning Mission is to connect different things that seems to be separate but instead they have a lot of things in common. From my humble point of view, I think that connecting the learning is the best way to teach our students because they are observing that everything that they are learning have a meaning and it can be used in different ares, even though the topic is the Animal Kingdom.

This mission will be individual because every kid has to create a poster putting all their characteristics of themselves. Notwithstanding, this work can be also collaborative because once they finish they work we are going to print it an hang it in the school for everyone to see it. In this way kids will be able to explain their peers all the work done and what is more they can be a reference for other classes to ask their teachers to do more activities like this one.

Now, I leave you here as my previous Super Learning Mission the layout that I made to explain better how this mission will be.

Super learning mission 2 from Alvaro Anton Perez

In the next attachment of this post, you are going to see an example of the final outcome that it is expected that kids do in this super learning mission. As you can observe is a poster about me, this I think should be created by the teacher as an example in order to scaffold a little bit more our students. As teachers we have to help them to acquire the knowledge in every possible way.

How am i? from Alvaro Anton Perez

Let me conclude this post saying that thanks to this Super Learning Mission I have learnt a lot about how I can change the education in my country for the better. Nowadays, I would be thrilled to start working in a school to implement all the things that I have done and learnt in order to see by myself if this kind of things work in a school where only knows how to work using textbooks.

-Stand up from the constraining books
and say:


Let's become Super Teachers

Hello everyone, I am here again to share new things with you. Now it is time to show you how I created some flat activities that kids can do in the schools but there are not common activities there are Super Learning Missions.

                                WE CAN BE HEROES!

What a super learning mission is? Well, it is very simple. It is an activity that instead to do it in the ordinary way, following a book an its explanations, kids are going to acquire the same knowledge doing different activities that will help them to acquire the same knowledge that textbook provide us. In the super learning mission kids will be able to interact with ICT during their learning process and what is more the final outcome of the mission will be publish to the world in order to make it visible for other teachers to know that other ways of education is possible nowadays.

The first super learning mission that i have created is the final outcome of my Open E-digital project. This super learning mission is called "Let's become writers". In this activity kids will work in groups to create pages of a book. The book will gather different animals and stories about them, where the kids have to reflect all the knowledge acquire during the E-digital project. Moreover, with this final outcome that they are going to create they will see some animals that are in danger of extinction and this will open their eyes to take care of our world. The final aim of this super learning mission it is to collaborate with the Twimma Project to make all the effort of the students worth it because their book will be published on iTunes for everyone to see and learn with things created by kids.

Collaborating with this type of projects, I believe that it is a powerful tool for teachers and also for students. On the one hand, teachers have to do a lot of effort in order to make a good digital project but the results will be awesome if the work is well done. On the other hand, kids will see that all they things that they are learning and doing are not in vain, all the things have a meaning an a reason, there are not just pages of a textbook. From my point of view, if kids see that all what they are doing is going to have a purpose they are going to do it more happily because they have an incentive and they are not just studying to pass an exam.

Now it is time to show you my first Super learning mission, which is the final outcome of my Open E-digital Project. In this layout that I created you can see that the first part is oriented to teachers or to the world to explain better how the mission is. The second page, it is the steps that the students have to follow in order to achieve the mission. We have to take into account that in this mission kids have already acquire all the knowledge of the project.

Super learning mission 1 from Alvaro Anton Perez

As you can see in the poster that I created, we have to scaffold our students in each step just to make sure that they are doing it well. However, we need also to make them invent and let their imagination do the rest because as Walt Disney said " Our greatest natural resource is in the minds of our children". I completely agree with this quote because if we told our children to do what we want, they would never express themselves in the way they want and it is possible that we are losing some important values that we have to learn. Teachers must learn from their students and vice versa.

In the next attachment of this post, you are going to see an example of the final outcome that it is expected that kids do in this super learning mission.

          Doñana Book from Alvaro Anton Perez

As you can observe, the book created shows all the power that the ICT have and what is more this is going to be shared with the world thanks to the Twimma Project. These kind of collaborative projects are going to open a new door of possibilities for those teacher, like me, that are against using textbook the vast majority of the time in the schools. A few months back, I thought that this ideology that I have will give me problems, but now I know and thanks to observe with better eyes the educative world. I am proud to say that I am not alone in this battle.

Let me conclude by saying that thanks to this mission I have realized that these kind of things are the ones that I want to implement in my future profession as a teacher. I don't wanna be an ordinary teacher an because of that last year I refused a job in a private school because I don't want to be tied up with a textbook. Thats the main reason that I doing this Master degree because I will never stop learning in order to become a real teacher with a lot of resources and different point of view of the education in my country. So, thanks to this kind of activities that i have to make I can say that at this moment I will never give up my Educational ideology.

-Stand up from the constraining books
and say:


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Working together

Welcome back on board!!!

Hello everyone, I am here again to share new things with you. In this post I am keep working on my Open Educational Digital Project but this time I am searching a partner that will help me to enrich my project once for all.

In this case, I would like to join a worldwide collaborative project, but What is a worldwide collaborative project? Well, nowadays there are hundreds of collaboratives projects running on the net. The main purpose of this projects it is to find educators that want to change the education in order to create a better one more fair and supportive. With the collaborative projects we are connecting schools all over the world and sharing our improvements to make visible that other types of things can be done in the schools.

On the other hand, being part of a collaborative project it is not easy because as teachers we have to work harder just to fulfill the main goal of the project. Nonetheless, all the work that we have to do have its benefits in our students.

Having said that, now it is time to think about which collaborative project I want to join. After searching and browsing a lot on the net and discover some other collaborative projects, that I think that will help me some day in my future as a teacher. I finally decided to join The Twima Project, this project I think that fits perfectly with my Open Educational Digital Project because it is related with books. The final aim of this project it is to create a E-book by kids with the purpose of sharing that book with the world. The books that the kids will create it will contain all the things that kids have been learning and it will be the reflection of all the work that the teacher has done. With the final book, the world will be able to see how with just a simple tool, Ibook Creator, we can change the world and what's more we are creating a free resource made by kids that will help other kids to learn that content.

From my humble point of view, I think that this project is awesome because with the creation of an E-book kids will reflect all their learning-process and we will share it with the world in order to receive feedback, good or bad, we can learn from both. Another fact, that I like of this project it is the free online tool that they use, as a fan of Apple brand I believe that there are a lot of resources available for teachers in the app Store and also Apple  invest a lot in education of the new generations and everyday is doing something for teacher to create a better educational system ever.

Now, it is time to show you my elevator pitch. With this video I pretend to engage the people who run the collaborative project that I want to join in order to offers them my work to improve the education in the world.


As you can see in this elevator pitch my main aim is to join the collaborative project that it is The Twima Project. In order to create this elevator pitch I did a big summarizing process and also I thought in the best way to engage people. I think that elevator pitches are good resources that in the coming years will be a require to attach in your resume because in just twenty second you can observe how the person is and what is more you can see if it has what it takes to do the job.

Here I leave you my draft of the elevator pitch, so you can see the changes that i did when i recorded because I eliminated some phrases in order to fit the twenty seconds and to do it more engaging. 
Elevator Pitch by Alvaro Anton Perez on Scribd

Before saying goodbye, I would like to show one idea of what I have in mind of my final task of my Open Educational Digital Project. Here I leave you a draft of what I would expect from my students at the end of my project. In this E-book page you can observe the expected outcome of my project and besides this we can improve the E-book page adding it audio or gifs in order to improve the visual final artifact.

Photo created by :Álvaro Antón Pérez

Let me conclude by saying, that I am very excited to take part into a collaborative project and what is more to be in a project that works with Apple devices. From my point of view I think that if the Apple devices were a little bit more cheaper the education would change . I think that the Apple devices are perfect for kids because are very easy to handle and what is more to create beautiful things just with a few taps on the screen. Finally, this mission has taught me the importance of being in touch with the hundreds collaborative projects that exist nowadays because as teacher, and from my point of view, we are not allowed to stop learning.

-Stand up from the constraining books 
 and say: