Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ready to cook?

Welcome back on board!!!!

Hello everyone, I am here again with new things and also very interesting ones. What I bring you today is an analysis of an open educational project. The project that I analyzed is called "A Cookbook": ABP,currículo y evaluación. This project was created by the Ministry of Education specifically it was created by the intef(Instituto Nacional de technologies educativas y de formación del profesorado).

Web link of the project:

What I did in order to fulfill this task, was first of all reading the post through the eyes of a teacher. Reading it in that way open my mind and what it's more I saw beyond the text. Once I read the post, I analysed in depth asking me a lot of questions like: Is this activity level appropriate? Do you think this could be carried out by primary students? What are the learning outcomes? Do you think that it is possible learning English through this?.

With all this questions I started to wonder how this project could work in a high school and also as a primary teacher that I am, I was always thinking in adapting the project for primary kids.From my humble point of view, I think that this project it is perfect because it teaches how we can get away from the textbooks and learn the same things without them.

In order to make an engaging analyze of this project I created a PowerPoint and a Genialy. In the PowerPoint, you will see how the project has passed most of our grading criteria and also I add in each slide a brief opinion of that part of the project.

Analysis cookbook from Alvaro Anton Perez

The Genialy that I created, it is to show you how without having superpowers I saw between lines when I was reading the post. In this Genialy you can observe how I found all the outcomes of the project.

Let me conclude by saying, that this activity opened my eyes because currently the philosophy of teaching that I want to implement in my classes is learning without textbooks. Analyzing this post I realized that there are other teachers in Spain that are following this philosophy and that makes me be proud of them because one day I wanna be just like them.

Moreover, I believe that all the projects inside EDIA project can be adapted to primary education and what is more I am sure that primary kids will be more enthusiastic than secondary kids. With this analysis I learnt a lot of things and also new ICT tools like Genialy that it is very easy and primary kids can handle it without problems.

Thanks to this, I learn that there are other teachers in Spain like me and what it is more no everyone wants to teach with textbooks.

-Stand up from the constraining books
 and say:



  1. A very interesting analysis, Álvaro! I really enjoy the way you have explained all the main features of this educational project. I have also chosen a project from the INTEF and I agree with almost all the comments you have made. Moreover, the two presentations are great! Good job!
    Do not forget to check my blog because soon I will publish the entry with the analysis I have made of an educational project.

    See u in class! :)

  2. You did a fantastic job Álvaro ! I definitely like the project you have chosen, since I am of the opinion that it is appealing and meaninful for students. Besides, I would like to highlight the cultural awareness that lies behind it, which is absolutely fantastic to get to know other cultures and promote tolerance. I am keen on the annotated text you created to point out the elements of the project, as well as the presentation, in which you also gave your point of view.

    All in all, good job !
